Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Roman holiday

Hello people!

In November, I'm going to stay 10 days in London, and 4 days in Rome.  It's gonna be my first time in Rome. I need a little help in Rome's hotels. Where should I stay, and why?

Thanks! :)


Lost said...

noooo idea sorry :(

rencontrer Pauline said...

thats great mmm go check somewhere google

Euphoria said...


Ambrosial said...

In Rome? One of the best that I have experienced twice and loved "De Russie Hotel" :) I hope u enjoy ur stay there

Vainglorious said...

My favorite, St. Regis Grand Hotel!

Euphoria said...

Thanks ladies :)

the boudoir. said...

perfect i may go rome too..if u dont mind, email me, and ill send u a list of hotels, i have a few

the boudoir. said...

i just read the comment..and agree with ambrosial,,its one of the best! with a perfect location..Check out Leon's Place also